Acting classes for both stage and screen

Alma Studios specialises in acting classes for both stage and screen.

LudlowFairFlyer.a-w4Each session begins with a 10 to 15 minute vocal and physical warm up aimed at bringing the company together, shedding the concerns of the day, centring the mind and ensuring the voice is prepared for the work to be explored.

Students are encouraged to adopt this as a discipline to be carried out whenever they practice, rehearse or perform. The approach is always specific to the age of the students and the unique tone of each class.

This completed, we introduce the topic of the day which can be as diverse as silent acting using the stimulus of music, or an improvisation class built around a family of rubber ducks and a sieve! We pride ourselves in introducing even really young children to our greatest dramatists in an accessible way, encouraging them to extend and engage with vocabulary beyond their everyday conversations. The aim of the class is presented through a variety of media – a reading from a text, a guided improvisation, a short video or perhaps a presentation from a guest. The students are then encouraged and supported to explore the theme in groups, in pairs or as individuals, with the goal of offering their interpretation to the class, for discussion and constructive, non-judgemental criticism. Regardless of the material covered, the objective for each class is for students to enjoy themselves! Our singular aim is that everyone leaves the session having learned something new, developed a skill they did not know they had and feeling more confident and fulfilled.